Saturday, March 24, 2018

March 24th & 25th Results (18 & 8 miles)

A good Saturday was had by all, with seven of seven teammates finishing 18 miles. This was especially satisfying for Trina and Scott, as this was their longest distance ever (as was Kristin's on Sunday) . Thanks to Becky for helping on that long course.

Sunday proceeded as normal, the distance advancing another mile closer to half-marathon length. Thanks to Lindsey for opening the store, and to Russell and Dean for on-course assistance.


(with per-mile pace, based on 18.0, though your distance might have varied slightly; target was to run at eventual marathon pace; these times are from my watch, and yours could have been faster)

Bill — 3:20:30 (11:08 pace)
Kristin -- 3:32:57 on Sunday (11:50s)
Stephanie -- 3:32:57 on Sunday (11:50s)
Chris — 4:44:50 (15:49s)
Scott — 2:43:30 (9:05s)
Leah — 2:42:12 (9:00s)
Dean — 2:43:30 (9:05s)
Sean – 15.1 miles on Sunday in 2:20:20 (9:17s)
Trina — 3:24:53 (11:07s)
Russell — 2:47:44 (9:18s)


(with per-mile pace, based on 8.0, though your actual distance might have varied; target was to run at eventual half-marathon pace; these times are from my watch, and yours could have been faster)

Gabe – one-hour walk
Neal – 1:41:51 (12:44 pace)
Amy – 1:12:13 (9:03s)
Ann — 8.1 miles on Saturday 1:09:26 (8:31s)
Kathie H. – 9.1 miles in 1:45:25 (11:34s)
Seve – 1:32:28 (11:33s)
Becky – 1:32:28 (11:33s)
Norm – 1:02:05 (7:46s)
Rachel W. – 1:18:10 (9:47s)
Nobuko – 1:42:40 (12:50s)
Rhonda – 8.3 miles in 1:29:48 (10:51s)


(those reported to me)

Kathy B. — about 13 miles on Saturday at 11:19s
Jan — 8 miles on Saturday at 11:27s
Michele — about 13 miles on Saturday at 11:19s
Carrie — about 13 miles On Saturday at 11:19s
Joe — 8.0-mile walk on Friday at 16:19s

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