Saturday, March 31, 2018

March 31st Results (9.2 miles)

Getting a dozen-plus-one teammates on hand the day before a major holiday was a minor miracle. Many of us were scattered near (the coast and mountains) and far (as distant as Europe) on Easter weekend.

By midweek I'll preview our busy upcoming Saturday (Cottage Grove Half) and Sunday (10 and 21 miles).

Thanks to Kellen and Lindsey for making the store somewhat available before and after our run. They weren't scheduled to provide this service today.


(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 9.20; target for half-marathoners was to run at eventual half pace; for marathoners it was either to go faster than last week's long run for speed training, or about the same as then for recovery; times are from my watch, and yours might have been faster)

Gabe -- walked 4.8 miles
Neal -- 7.0 miles in 1:18:48 (11:15 pace)
Jan -- 1:43:50 (11:17s)
Amy -- 7.0 miles in 1:18:48 (11:15s)
Kristin -- 1:45:59 (11:30s)
Stephanie -- 1:45:59 (11:30s)
Chris -- 2:06:57 (13:47s)
Rachel L. -- 1:18:50 (8:34s)
Dean -- 1:16:30 (8:18s)
Norm -- 1:10:53 (7:42s)
Rachel W. -- 1:24:31 (9:11s)
Nobuko -- 1:58:20 (12:52s)
Russell -- 1:17:05 (8:22s)


(those reported to me)

Rashi -- 17 miles in Minnesota at 8:53s
Kathy B. -- 6 miles on Sunday
Michele -- 6 miles on Sunday
Ann -- 9.2 miles on Sunday at 8:52s
Scott -- 9.2 miles on Sunday at 8:25s
Seve -- 9.4 miles on Bend trails at 12:58s
Leah -- 20 miles with Lindsey's team
Trina -- 9 miles at 11:22s
Joe -- 9.0-mile walk on Friday at 15:50s

Saturday, March 24, 2018

March 24th & 25th Results (18 & 8 miles)

A good Saturday was had by all, with seven of seven teammates finishing 18 miles. This was especially satisfying for Trina and Scott, as this was their longest distance ever (as was Kristin's on Sunday) . Thanks to Becky for helping on that long course.

Sunday proceeded as normal, the distance advancing another mile closer to half-marathon length. Thanks to Lindsey for opening the store, and to Russell and Dean for on-course assistance.


(with per-mile pace, based on 18.0, though your distance might have varied slightly; target was to run at eventual marathon pace; these times are from my watch, and yours could have been faster)

Bill — 3:20:30 (11:08 pace)
Kristin -- 3:32:57 on Sunday (11:50s)
Stephanie -- 3:32:57 on Sunday (11:50s)
Chris — 4:44:50 (15:49s)
Scott — 2:43:30 (9:05s)
Leah — 2:42:12 (9:00s)
Dean — 2:43:30 (9:05s)
Sean – 15.1 miles on Sunday in 2:20:20 (9:17s)
Trina — 3:24:53 (11:07s)
Russell — 2:47:44 (9:18s)


(with per-mile pace, based on 8.0, though your actual distance might have varied; target was to run at eventual half-marathon pace; these times are from my watch, and yours could have been faster)

Gabe – one-hour walk
Neal – 1:41:51 (12:44 pace)
Amy – 1:12:13 (9:03s)
Ann — 8.1 miles on Saturday 1:09:26 (8:31s)
Kathie H. – 9.1 miles in 1:45:25 (11:34s)
Seve – 1:32:28 (11:33s)
Becky – 1:32:28 (11:33s)
Norm – 1:02:05 (7:46s)
Rachel W. – 1:18:10 (9:47s)
Nobuko – 1:42:40 (12:50s)
Rhonda – 8.3 miles in 1:29:48 (10:51s)


(those reported to me)

Kathy B. — about 13 miles on Saturday at 11:19s
Jan — 8 miles on Saturday at 11:27s
Michele — about 13 miles on Saturday at 11:19s
Carrie — about 13 miles On Saturday at 11:19s
Joe — 8.0-mile walk on Friday at 16:19s

Sunday, March 18, 2018

March 18th Results (7 & 8 miles)

Our next-to-last month of Eugene Marathon and Half takes some unusual twists the next two weeks. It’s not too soon to alert you (again) on those: (1) a Saturday run for marathoners this week, from Alton Baker Park, with shorter training from the Running Company on Sunday)… (2) a Saturday run for all on the 31st, Easter weekend. Stay tuned for details.

Thanks again to Lindsey for opening the store this morning.


(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 6.98; target was to run at expected half-marathon pace; most times are from my watch, and yours might have been faster)

Gabe – walked untimed
Jan – 1:13:54 (10:35 pace)
Amy – 3.5 miles in 36:56 (10:31s)
Ann – 1:00:30 (8:42s)
Carrie – 3.5 in 36:56 (10:31s)
Leah – 1:01:11 (8:46s)
Rachel L. – 59:49 (8:34s)
Suzy – 6.0 miles in 1:12:03 (11:56s)
Rachel W. – 1:01:11 (8:46s)
Nobuko – 1:29:03 (12:45s)
Rhonda – 5.0 miles in 54:06 (10:27s)


(paces based on GPS average of 8.02, plus other info as above)

Kristin – 1:29:04 (11:06s)
Stephanie – 1:29:04 (11:06s)
Scott – 1:05:33 (8:10s)
Kathie H. – 1:28:34 (11:02s)
Norm – 1:00:55 (7:35s)
Trina – 1:22:44 (10:18s)
Russell – 1:10:20 (8:46s) welcome back to the team!


(those reported to me)

Rashi – 20 miles on Saturday in Minnesota at 9:00s
Gabe – 5K race in Corvallis on Saturday at 11:33s
Bill – half-marathon race in Portland on Sunday at 9:20s
Kathy B. – half-marathon race in Portland on Sunday at 10:09s
Michele – 15K race in Portland on Sunday at 11:57s
Amy – 15K race in Corvallis on Sunday at 9:52s
Seve – 7 miles on Saturday at about 11:00s
Carrie – 15K race in Corvallis on Saturday at 9:52s
Leah – 18 miles on Saturday with Lindsey’s team
Becky – 7 miles on Saturday at about 11:00s
Dean – 8 miles on Saturday at 8:52s
Joe – 13.3-mile walk on Friday at 16:22s

Saturday, March 10, 2018

March 10th & 11th Results

The long part of this two-part weekend came first, on Saturday. Nine teammates joined the Eugene Marathon’s preview run, with several of us going the longest distance ever. Thanks to Richard Maher and crew for hosting this event.

The shorter run came on “spring-forward” Sunday. Thanks to Lindsey for opening the store, after going 13.1 miles with Saturday’s preview. And to Russell, Tim, Scott and Dean for helping on the course.


(official course was about 13 miles, with most of our runners adding distance; paces listed here are for the “13” portion and are misleading because lengths varied somewhat and because of stoplight time, which won’t be a problem on race day)

Gabe – 2-hour walk
Bill – 15.1 miles (9:54 pace for 13)
Amy – 9.0 miles in 1:26:30 (9:26s)
Kristin – 15 miles (11:46s) longest ever?
Stephanie – 15 miles (11:46s)
Scott – 15 miles (9:00s) longest ever
Leah – 13 miles (8:25s)
Dean – 15 miles (9:00s)
Trina – 16.2 miles (11:34s) longest ever


(with per-mile pace for GPS average of 6.20, aka 10K; target was to run at half-marathon race pace; these are times from my watch, and yours might have been faster)

Bill – 1:00:53 (9:48s)
Jan – 1:07:07 (10:49s)
Ann – 54:48 (8:50s)
Kathie H. – 1:11:11 (11:29s)
Seve – 1:11:11 (11:29s)
Leah – 55:02 (8:50s)
Rachel L. – 52:22 (8:15s) welcome back!
Becky – 1:11:11 (11:29s)
Norm – 48:54 (7:53s)
Suzy – 5.3 miles in 1:03:21 (11:57s) welcome back!
Rachel W. – 55:02 (8:50s)
Nobuko – 1:22:12 (13:15s) welcome back!


(those reported to me)

Rashi – 18 miles on Sunday in Minnesota at 9:16s
Michele – 7 miles of trails on Saturday
Joe – 8.0-mile walk on Friday at 16:08s